About enRiched Learning & Development
- 95% work from recommendations
- over 20 years’ experience
- practical solutions for high impact

Services Guide List
Leadership & Management Development
More than just theories ! How to lead and manage to deliver high performance with the practical and strategic challenges in your organisation. Support tailored to every level from Exec to Supervisors.
Difficult & Challenging Conversations
Practitioner demonstrations and workshops to develop skills and confidence to deal with any issues - from poor attendance, attitude and behaviour issues, under performance and much more.
Mindset & Behaviour Change
Changing what people do means challenging and changing what they think . This workshop can Inspire the change you need in your organisation.
Making the Difference Transformation Programmes
Imagine your team working on a current live and important project , and developing themselves across every aspect of their work as they work . Their attitude, behaviour and skills whilst delivering results. A tried, tested ,challenging and transformational programme.
Performance Management
From top to bottom, all that’s needed to understand, establish, communicate, manage, monitor and drive performance in your organisation. Including:- Practical Performance Reviews / Appraisals. 360 Employee Online Survey APP - A powerful and insightful opportunity to find out levels of competence with feedback from those around you – celebrate what’s working and then plan personal and organisational development . Simple, efficient, data collection and analysis tool with personalised reports and coaching support.
Other Specialist areas include:
- Step Up – New Manager/ Supervisor / Team Leader Development,
- Personal Organisation & Time Management,
- Building & Motivating The Team
- Grievance & Discipline Training,
- Developing Induction Training,
- Recruitment & Selection Skills
- Centre Design & Delivery,
- Personal Coaching & Coaching the Coach,
- Creating Positive Impression – Managing Yourself,
- Dealing with stress and anxiety: Managing your Moods,
- Facilitation - (Training You or Skilled Facilitation from me)
Understanding and using NLP Influence,
- Negotiation & Persuasion & Selling,
- Powerful Presentations,
- Emotional Intelligence,
- Project Management,
- Organisational Development.